Better Workdays With Your Spouse are Achievable By Using These Ten Tips.
People ask us all the time, how do you live in such a small area, travel and work together. After 20 years of traveling together and running a business from the road, we have learned some lessons. Most of our wisdom has come through trial and error, silent treatments, or grumbling. Sound familiar? If so, these ten tips will help you have better workdays with your spouse.
Schedule and plan out your week: set regular work hours, yet be flexible.
The world tells us that we have to work for 8 hours a day, 9-5. As an entrepreneur, you can set your work schedule to fit your lifestyle. Maybe you want to go on a sunrise hike. Work the weekend while the crowds overtake Sunrise point. Be free to enjoy a mid-week sunrise in solitude.
Recognize each other’s strengths.
You both excel in different areas. While one of you may be more creative and the other may be more operational. Divide up the workload, ensuring that each one does the jobs they are good at doing. Evaluate the remainder and make a plan to either hire those tasks out or include training on those items.
Clear your workspace at the end of the day.
Being organized is especially important when living in a tiny space. For a lot of us, our kitchen table doubles as our desk. Put your paperwork away, clear the table and hopefully clear your mind. Don’t bring work to bed.
Allow your spouse some space.
Living in close quarters can easily trigger some claustrophobia. Sometimes one of you might need some extra space. Sitting outside, going for a short walk, or even driving up to the store for a bottle of wine can help to clear one’s mind. There are times that this quick little reset will do wonders for you.
Establish your morning routine.
Do you wake early, and your husband likes to sleep longer. That’s ok. Take advantage of those times with a little extra reading or yoga. Remember, though, to give each other some space when you wake up. Nobody likes to start their day with problems or issues. Ease into your morning workload.
Stop micromanaging each other.
In other words, stop nagging. Set weekly or daily meeting times with your spouse. Create an agenda and stick to it. It is healthy to check in with each other about a project’s status or even overcome some challenges you might be having. The problem comes when we start asking, “did you do this” or “why isn’t this done yet.” You have to be accountable to each other, and blowing off responsibilities is not helpful. Set some timelines and stick to them.
Be mindfully grateful.
It might sound corny, yet it works wonders. At the end of the day and even during your “staff meeting,” express gratitude to your partner. You are in it to win it. Face it; there are going to be challenging times. If you are like most of us, you will experience disputes and uncomfortable confrontations. Remember why you are in business together, why you chose this life of adventure, and why this project you are working on together means something. Take a moment at the end of the day and express gratitude.
Promise to NEVER quit on the same day.
Commit and support your spouse during their meltdown. Hear them out, listen, and respond. We all have a bad day once in a while. When we jump in the muck with our spouse and start making emotional decisions, nothing productive comes from it. We will bicker, use ugly words, and slowly kill our dream of freedom. When you promise that one of you will hold the fort down while the other melts down, you have the assurance that the company will still be viable after your pity party is over.
Permit yourself to knock off work for a nooner.
You know, a little afternoon delight! You and your spouse make the rules now. Once in a while, stay in bed a few minutes longer or take a few hours in the afternoon. A little spontaneity goes a long way in easing tension in couples’ working relationships.
Openly communicate about your finances, both personal and business.
Finances are one of the top disagreements couples have. The financial deficit, distrust, and lack of self-control contribute to money woes. It is super important to review your budget together regularly. Be on the same page regarding your money matters. Come to a set of agreements on how you will manage your budget, future purchases, debt service, and entertainment. Open communication about your financial picture is so important. Also, be sure to be diligent in keeping your business and personal finances separate.
There are many references, blogs, and self-proclaimed authorities on the subject of relationships. If you are experiencing difficulty in your working relationship, you owe it to each other to communicate and resolve them. Information is readily available.
Not every day is a blissful experience in the office. However, we have overcome so many hurdles. We are confident that Better workdays with your spouse are achievable by using these ten tips. Incorporating these nuggets into your daily routine will bring more joy into your workplace.
Thank you for reading, and let me hear from you. What did you try, how did it work, and what would you add to this list? Drop us a comment or an email to let us know. Be mindful, inspire conversation and remember to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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Two of my go-to books: 4 Agreements and 5 Languages of Love, are excellent references. As a couple, Robb and I studied these books. When there is a conflict, we often refer back to them for answers and resolve. Maybe they will help you!
Heading to Orlando? Read this article first!: Here are 14 Orlando area Attractions that we enjoyed beyond the Mouse.