2021 Recap: We Traveled The World 1.5 Times!

by | RV & Nomad Life

2021 Recap: We traveled the world 1.5 times and never left the United States

Our 2021 recap: We traveled the world 1.5 times and never left the United States!

Do you intentionally sit down and reflect on your past year?  We do and this is what we discovered.  Our 2021 recap: we drove enough miles to go around the world 1.5 times and never left the United States!

What a ride 2021 turned out to be.  Most of us weren’t sure how the fallout from the apocalypse would affect our travel desires, work ventures, and personal relationships.  At times, Robb and I even felt anxious about our future plans and remorse for the things we f’d up.   Thankfully, those low-frequency days are few and far between.

Since expressing gratitude and appreciation are the easiest ways to jump-start your vibe, we took an inventory of our most valuable assets.  Reflecting over this past year, Robb and I know we have so much to be grateful for in life.  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share our thoughts with you.

These are just a few of those gratitude entries:

  • Good health allows us the opportunities to hike, bike, kayak, and play with our grandkids.
  • A sustainable income allows us the flexibility to travel and explore.
  • Healthy family relationships let us know our kids love us and support our dreams.  Occasionally, they remind us they still need our reassurance and guidance.  Most importantly, they include us and humor us with meaningful conversations.
  • Grandchildren that think we are the bomb diggity and howl with us every chance we get.
  • Strong friendships that we can count on to lift us and encourage us when 1 through 4 seem to go wacky.
  • Our home on wheels carries us to the most beautiful areas of the country and provides some “off the hook” experiences that can only be understood by an RV enthusiast.
  • Future business relationships that both inspire and feed our entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Our relationship with each other continues to grow and flourish, as we make this next life transition being 55+.  We know that we always have each other’s best interest, even if it feels selfish.
  • Subscribers like you support our vision, our quirkiness, and our social media platforms.
  • Sponsors of our weekly show, “Sipping With The Stromads”.  What really rocks our world are those of you that join us on-air and in person for some tequila tastings.
  • 2021 checked many items off the bucket list with sightseeing, learning, adventure, and experiences.

Click here to check out our experiences on our YouTube Channel

Stromads Youtube welcome

In case you missed it, here are some of our 2021 highlights:

  • 2 Roundtrip Coast to Coast Road Trip Excursions
  • Pacific Northwest from Northern California to Washington
  • Central California to Southern California
  • 14 National Parks
  • Wildlife like crazy: Dolphins, Orcas, Manatees, Bears, Elk, Rattlesnakes, Burros, Big Horn Sheep, Condors, Eagles, and Moose
  • So many amazing sunsets on the Gulf of Mexico, The Pacific Ocean, and The Desert
  • Sunrise (Yes, sunrise…The desert has the most colorful sunrises ever seen)
  • Hot springs, hot springs, and more hot springs
  • From driving the lowest US elevation at 282 feet below sea level to elevations of 9300 feet!
  • Hiking, biking, and kayaking!
  • Connecting with the community, old friends, and meeting new friends.
  • Spending time with family on both coasts
  • Campfires, day, night, and late afternoon (our favorite)
  • We danced in the desert, howled with the coyotes, and shared a lot of tequila
  • Started our YouTube Channel
  • Worked on gaining clarity with personal purpose
  • Decided to follow our own dreams and ambitions




2021, welcomed Grandcub #3 to our family. Margo greeted the world in March, joining forces with siblings, Mason and Maeve.  Grandparenting is our reward for parenting our children.  We now get to have all the fun without too much responsibility.  Teaching the grands life lessons and valuable skills is so much fun!


Ask a Better Question

Stretching our time between family, friends and spectacular scenery may seem difficult to some individuals.  However, one of the most difficult aspects I find is answering this question: “What is your favorite place?”.

This question is much like asking which child is your favorite.  Of course, we all have one, or a different one depending on the time of day.  How about you?  Do you have a place that you return to year after year, or are you like us, driven by the need to see different places.

With over 35,000 road miles this year, and 49 states in the books, it is impossible to choose?  Ask us a better question and we will attempt to give you a solid answer.  Here are a few.

  • Describe a desert sunrise?
  • Have you ever seen the green spark in the ocean?
  • What’s the scariest road you have driven?
  • How do the mountain ranges differ between the east and the west?
  • How do you decide where to go next?
  • What are some of your favorite travel planning apps?
  • How do I find a community?
  • Can you suggest a place that has A, B, or C?

Quoting George Strait

Our wanderlust is fueled by the ever-changing scenery, the colors of the sky, and the call of the wild.  Whether we see mountains, ocean waves or even drive a deserted highway, RVing has changed our perspective on conventional living.  Will we stop?  Maybe, maybe not, it is currently what we do, not necessarily who we are.

We never really know what tomorrow will bring.  Life has times and seasons and TODAY is the day we immerse ourselves in and experience.  Living to make memories is almost counterproductive to living in the present moment.  Sure, we share lots of pictures and have fascinating stories to tell, hoping to inspire and encourage us all to dream, travel and do what is in your heart.  The memories we share are a byproduct of our life, not our motivation.

To quote George Strait, “I’m not here for a long time, I’m here for a good time”.

We are so grateful you have joined us and just want to say, get outside, explore while you can, and live a life of gratitude.  You won’t be disappointed.  Make 2022 the year!  Be mindful on your journey and inspire some good meaningful conversation.

Please continue to reach out to us with your questions, comments, and encouragement.  We love hearing from you!!!


Travel Safe and Adventure Often

Maureen and Robb, aka The Stromads

RV Couple with Renegade Verona LELTS



RVing, traveling, and exploring should be fun.

Robb and I have compiled a list of resources that will help you save time and money.

Our suggestions will help eliminate decision fatigue and get you on the road to your next adventure.

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